Mid-Ohio Sanitation and Recycling LLC
Yard Waste Composting

Yard Waste
What is yard waste? - Yard waste is vegetative waste resulting from the care and maintenance of landscaped areas, lawns, and gardens. Yard waste includes leaves, grass clippings, brush, garden wastes, tree trunks, holiday trees and prunings from trees or shrubs.
Ohio does have rules that prevent landfills from accepting what is called source-separated yard waste. Source-separated means that the person who generated the yard waste purposely separated it from the rest of their trash. Except under very limited circumstances, source-separated yard waste must be taken to a composting facility. If a load of source-separated yard waste is taken to a landfill, the landfill is required to refuse to take the load.

Tips for Handling Residential Yard Waste
Leave it on the lawn - leaving grass clippings and leaf material on your lawn allows for nutrients to replenish the soil through the natural decomposition process. Branches and limbs can be placed in an area that is out of the way to provide much needed habitat for birds.
Start your own backyard compost pile - having your own backyard compost pile doesn't have to take a lot of money or time. Leaves, grass and plant trimmings, along with some types of food waste, can be combined in a backyard compost pile to create a valuable soil additive for your lawn and garden. That is recycling at its best! Later use the finished compost to improve your soil or as mulch around plants. It is a rewarding process because in the end you will have compost material to use in your flower and garden beds.
Take your residential yard waste to your local compost drop-off. The Morrow County location is:
Morrow County Yard Waste - Compost Area
Township Road 127 (Loren Road), Mt. Gilead
(beside waste water treatment plant, back entrance to Morrow County Fairground)
Hours of Operation:
(weather permitting)
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Closed Sunday
Sponsored by the DKMM Solid Waste District FREE of charge
DKMM Website - www.dkmm.org
All materials must be loaded/unloaded by hand and removed from bags.
Acceptable Material:
grass clippings
shrubs & brush
tree limbs up to 10" diameter
Non-Acceptable Materials:
tree trunks
limbs over 10" in diameter
food waste
treated/painted lumber